Team Training Program

"Environment is stronger than willpower"


TTP Purpose, THE WHY

The purpose of the Team Training Program is to elevate men up The Purpose Ladder starting at and reinforcing the bonds of brotherhood at the Environment level by collectively practicing contribution as the highest of the six human needs so that as a team they proudly earn their place in the larger community of Dragon Nation to continue their journey of connection, legacy, growth, contribution, and the purposeful success of VICTORY.

"Not ego, but we go". ---Wim Hof

You have to be invited to engage in the 8-week Team Training Program. If you have been, then welcome.

This is an opportunity to practice some of the most important fundamentals of the Awaken The Dragon program, including the highest need of contribution, which is the bullseye in the six human needs model.

You continue the journey of self-mastery and personal growth, but now in closer relationship with other men as you form a team in a high standards environment. The intent is to have your level of purpose rise helping to cause you to also rise in your level of purposeful influence.

This is what will have you improve your application of the three components of the Men's Victory Path formula below.

MVP Formula

No more just operating at the level of SELF or being stifled in your FREEDOM of Expression keeping you from the FULFILLMENT of Purpose you are truly destined for.
Here you will fight for a cause greater than yourself and your new team.

"When you are casual about life you will end up a casualty."

---Les Brown

"If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough."

---Muhammad Ali

As a result, you will form more meaningful relationships with the men of your team.

These environments are very rare so, you are, as David Goggins puts it, uncommon among uncommon men.

We all influence each other for better or for worse. What determines which are the standards, care and purpose we bring to our environments.

"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."

---Stephen R Covey

"Ambition is refusing to quit on ourselves. Leadership is refusing to quit on others."

--Simon Sinek

3-step Dragon Path

From Interesrt to Commitment, Want To Need, and Desire to Hunger
Through Training And Development

TTP Agreements

  1. The Team Training Program is $60.
  2. You and your team schedule the weekly 2.5 hour virtual meetings and any other needed calls
  3. Every man attends every meeting.
  4. Upon graduation of your Team Training Program you agree to remain with your team as members of our larger community of Dragon Nation until the end of whatever tour you graduated in, which will either be at the end of June or the end of December, whichever comes first.
  5. Dragon Nation membership is $35 per month.
  6. After that you can decide if you wish to do another tour as your first full 6-month tour on a team.

"Honesty is conforming our words to reality. Integrity is conforming reality to our words."

---Stephen Covey

The Dragon Training Oath:

  1. I will bring my best in word and action
  2. I commit to be present for the entire program from start to finish
  3. I commit to fully participate to get and give the most value
  4. I will honor the confidentiality of what other people share and leave it all in the sacredness of the training program.
I Agree To the Dragon Training Oath

"Success Is When Reality Catches Up To Our Imagination."

--Simon Sinek